Tuesday, 17 July 2012

UNIX Basics for Oracle DBA

UNIX Basics for Oracle DBA


Linux is a flavor of UNIX and it is not user friendly and it is case sensitive. It was introduced in 1991 by "Linux Torald
Operating System:- An O.S is a software that manage computer hardware and provides a convenient and safe environment for running programs. It acts as an interpreter between program and the hardware resources (monitor, keyboard, etc).

LINUX Architecture:-

Kernal:- A set of functions that wake up's  the heart of an operating system. It is used to provided an application interface between programs and physical devices.
  1. Service provide by the kernal
  2. Controls execution of process
  3. Scheduling process fairly for execution on CPU
  4. Allocate memory for execution
Shell:- A Shell is the command interpreter to the kernal. It is the interface between user and kernal. The kernal after processing the commands gives backs to the shell.

File System:-  File System provides organized way of storing and retrieving the data. This is classified in  Four types. They are

  1. Physical File System
  2. Logical
  3. Swap in Linux (virtual in windows)
  4. Network File System
Network File System:- It supports files to be shared over Networks
Swap:- In the hard disk the space supports to the RAM for system performance. It acts as a temporary RAM. In windows it is called virtual file the system.

"/ ":- this is the root directory. It is a top of the file system structure all the other directories  are mounted under it.
"/boot":-  It contains the kernel the core of the operating system. It also contains the files relating to booting the system.                                        Such as boot loader and the initiate RAM Disk.
"/root" :- It is the default Home Directory for root (administrator).
                                             "cd /home" It contains all normal users Home Directory.
"/bin" (Binary's):-  It contains commands which are used by normal users and also administrators.
"/sbin" :- It contains administrator related commands. It is not used by normal users.
"/var":-  It contains variable information such as Locks, Print, Mail, FTP, Account, cache.
"/usr"(Unix System Resource):- It contains the program and application which are available for users.
"/etc":- It contains all configuration files.
"/dev":- It contains device loads through  which the operating system through the H/W & S/W device.
"/tmp":- It contains tempfile gives to the system.
"/proc":- It is a mount point for virtual information about the current running system process.
"/obd":- It contains the 3rd party S/W. Ex:- Media-player, Yahoomsg.
"/media":- It is the default location for Removable Devices such as DVD, pendrive,etc.
"/lib":- It contains library's need by no. of different applications as well as Link kernal.

hostname       - ip address will be shown 
Example: hostname -i

to set this ip address we give the command is

PWD                 Present Working/Current Directory
ls                       Listing the files & Directories.
ls -l                    Long List
ls -a                   It shows hidden files
ls -r                    Reverse order
ls -R                  To see the particular data of the nested files.
ls -d                   Directory name is shows
ls -l  -S               List the files along with size sorting
ls -l  -s                means Block Size
ls -ltr                  List the file along with Time & Date.
clear (ctl+l)       clear the screen. 

Valid card Character:-

*    means Multiple Character.
?    means Single Character.

Example:- ls r*     to shows list files start with r.

File Creation:
       File creation are 3 types. They are 
1.  cat
2.  touch
3.  vi editor
cat :- By using this  we can create  new files and also  adding new line to an existing file and also we can see file contents.

                                cat  >  ravi                        to create the file
                                                                   ctrl + d    -->  to save the file.
                                   cat  ravi                          to display the file contents
                                  cat  >>  ravi                   Adding New Lines
                                                                        ctrl + d    
                                 cat  > dba
                                 cat  ravi  dba  >>  oracle
                                 cat oracle
 touch:- It will creates only n number of empty files but we cannot insert any single character or byte data and we can  change Date & Time stamp of File or Directory.

                   touch empty
                   touch  -t  11230832 ravi
                   ls -ltr

vi editor:-(Visual Interface Editor) It is use for supporting to insert or manage the data.

Editors at Different operating Systems:

For windows   Notepad
       Dos           Edit
       Linux         command mode  vi, ex, nani,etc,.
                 vi  <file name>

In VI editors  there are 3 modes  available.

1. INSERT mode
2.  COMMAND mode
3.  EXECUTE mode

steps for  vi editor managing:

we open a file  with vi command, then  the files opened with  command mode
when will you go to save & exit that is execute mode

press i,I,a,A,o,O go to insert mode  for command.

press 'Esc'  key then we can do some actions like copy delete.
press 'Shift + : ' we enter  into execution mode from command mode  in that we can save/replace etc.
If you want to move from insert mode to execute mode and from execution mode  to insert mode 1st we move  into command mode.

how to enter into insert mode:

i           insert the data at current  cursor position
I          at the Beginning of the line cursor
a         append after cursor position
A        append at the end of line
o         Insert a line below & enter into insert mode
O        Insert a line above & enter into insert mode 
 r         Replace Single Character
R         Replace the word
s          Delete the current cursor position after insert
S/cc     Deletes the entire line & insert
C          Delete the after cursor position line

command mode options:-

dd           Delete a line
2dd         Delete 2 lines
ldw         Delete one word
d7w        Delete 7 words
x              Delete single character after cursor position
10x          Delete 10 character after cursor position
X             Delete single character before cursor position
10X         Delete 10 character before cursor or position
yy           copy a line
5yy         copy five lines
p              paste
u              undo
ctrl + R    Redo
gg            go to 1st line
G              go to last line
G99          go to 99th line
shift + zz       Save &Exit
h              move to left side
l                move to right side
j                move to next line
k               move to above line
n               go to the next searching word
/<find>     we can find a particular word

Execute mode commands:

:q                   quite
:q!                  quite with forcefully
:w                   save
:wq                 save & quite
:wq!                save  quite with forcefully
:x                    save and exit
:se nu            set number(col set number)
:se nonu        set no number removes line number

Replacing the words:-

:1,$s/existing word/new word/gc

              1  means replace starts from 1st line
              $  replace can do up to last time
              s  means substitute
              g  global
              c   conformation
Navigation commands:-

 cd       Change Directory or move into another directory

              cd  <directory name>
cd   ..     move to one level back
             note: single dot it represents current working directory
                        double dot represents  parent working Directory
cd ../../        move to the 2nd level back
cd -              move to the last working directory
cd ~             move to the current user logging home directory

copy/move the file Directory:

1. only copy the files

                cp   < source path>    <destination path>

2. copy the directory
                cp  -r  <source path>  < destination path>

move the File or Directory:

                 mv  <source path>  <destination path>

Remove  File or Directory command:-

                          rm  <file name>                                      removing the file
                          rm -f <file name>                                  removing file forcefully
                          rm -rf  <directory name>                     remove the directory forcefully
                          rmdir  <directory name>                     remove the directory forcefully

Links:- There are 2 types of links.
1. Hard Link
2. Soft Link

def: gives a pointer to the particular file. The particular file is called link.

Hard Link Syntax:

                           ln <source >   <destination>

soft link Syntax:-  
                          ln   -s     source destination

Difference between Hard and Soft Links:

fdisk  -l            Hard disk  configuration
df                      Disk Free
df  -k                 It shows the mount points in kilobyte.
df  -h                It shows the mount points in GB
du  -h             du means disk use  file name/ directory name/mount point
                                          Example: du  -h  /d01
du  -sh  <file name>          shows the total size of file or directory
cat  /etc/passwd          to see how many users used.
cat  /etc/group             to see the group 
groupdel   <group name>      to delete groups
cal                               it shows calender
              Example:         cal         2012
date                    to see the Date & Time
date  +%b           It shows the 3 digits of the month
date  +%B          It shows the full name of the month
date  +%D          It shows the date in number
date  +%y           It shows the year in 2 digits
date  +%Y          It shows the year in full
gcalctool (or) gnome-calculator                    to open calculator window.
man (manuals)      to show the documentation of the commands
              Example: man    ls, man  df

swap addition:-

swapon  -s       it shows swap  memory size.
swapoff  /dev/sda9    those are used to show the details.
free                          it shows the RAM size and shows the swap size how much free or used

1) Type: It is a file. It has 3 options.
            d - means Directory
             l  -  linked
             - - file
2) Access permission.
         rwx   - user
         r- -    -  Groups
         r- -    -  others
3) 1 means link
4) A user/owner of the file
5) group
6) sizing bytes
7) Date & Time
8) File/Directory/linkname

In types are different options are there. They are
p - process file
s - socket file
B - Block Device
C - character device file
 Access Mode          Access Level
    Read (r)                   USER
    Write(w)                  GROUP
    Execute(x)                OTHERS

File permission mode:
There  are 2 types of file permissions.
1. Symbolic:- in t
2. Numerical / absolute
Symbolic mode:-  In this mode we use characters.

    Permission                Identification character
       Read                                 r
       write                                 w
       Execute                            x
       User                                 u
       Group                              g
       others                             o

                                   Add the permission use '+'
                                   Remove permission use '-'
                                   Equal permission use '='

Numerical or absolute:-
In this mode we will use numbers.
The Read permission for '4'
        Write permission for '2'
        Execute permission for '1'
   Permissions                   Number
     NILL                                 0
     Execute                            1
     Write                                2
     Write & Execute             3
     Read                                 4
     Read & Execute              5
     Read & Write                  6
     Read,Write & Execute   7

Default Directory Permission:-
 chmod  -R 777 ravi
                                            R means Recursively

top                  load average
     press 'u' and type user name
                 'q' means quit.

vmstat          Virtual Memory Statistics
iostat             input status of the CPU
To set this ip address we give the command is
                vi /etc/hosts
                       ravi.dba.com     ravi
to restart the Network Services without restart
                                     #  service network restart

Process Kill:

                kill -9 <process name/number>