Monday, 24 August 2015

RMAN Incremental backup Cloning without catalog

RMAN Cloning without catalog:

1.      Pre-cloning activities on the Source machine ( on both the nodes).
2.      Take the Full Hot Backup using RMAN utilities.
3.      Copy the hot backup pieces to Target machine.
4.      Copy the binaries of both database and APPS to Target machine.
5.      Change the permission of all files according to user on Target machine.
6.      Run cloning script on DB Tier (perl dbTechStack) on Target machine.
7.      Add new configuration parameters in init$ORACLE_SID.ora
8.      Startup the database in nomount state.
9.      Register the full backup pieces and incremental backup pieces with Catalog.
10.  Restore the Database full database backup pieces.
11.  Recover the Database using incremental backup pieces.
12.  Add tempfile to existing TEMP tablespace.
13.  Down the listener and Database.
14.  Run cloning script on DB Tier (perl dbTier) on Target machine.

15.  Perform the post cloning activities.

Grep the below data from source.
select 'set newname for datafile '|| file_id ||' to '||''''||'/data1/OBADATA'||file_name||''';' from dba_data_files;

Add the below parameter into  the pfile of target:

Leve-1 backup recovery:

Register the backup pieces.

Change the Database name by using the NID Utility:

Note: Please check temp files.

run the new source database environment variables.