Sunday, 2 February 2014



1.      How to identify sql text for running Concurrent Program from backend?
2.      Navigate to Concurrent-Program-define screen & find out the FMX, identify the OS level?
3.      Submit Active user program save the output in Desktop?
4.      Schedule Active Responsibilities program for every one hour?
5.      Change the Standard Manager process to 5?
6.      Increase Active Responsibilities program priority to 10?
7.      Submit Gather Schema Statistics program find out the sid,query of the  program & kill the program at OS level?
8.      Create a user with name Demo assign following responsibilities 
System Administrator
XML publisher
Workflow Admininistrator and set password expire to 90 Days?
9.      Write a query to find out how many of users are having system Administrator Responsibilites?
10.  Identify the .rdf location of Active Responsibilites?
11.  Submit Active User program with print option & locate log & out at OS level?
12.  Check the file version of o2fvaens.pls?
13.  Regenerate the executable of GLPPOS?
14.  Navigate to Security-User-Define screen identify the .fmx, take the backup of it and recreate the .fmx?
15.  Regenerate the custom.pll file?
16.  Take the backup of sqlplus file and regenerate it?

make –f install

17. How to validate the dbc file?
[applravi@ravi secure]$ java apps/apps status DBC=/u01/applravi/inst/apps/ravi_ravi/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure/ravi.dbc

Database Server

Application Server
APPL_SERVER_ID: DF6B5C00F62630FBE040007F0100047928839603012886011864145370676912

[applravi@ravi secure]$

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