Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Migrate the Database

Migrating the 11gR2 Database from IBM AIX to OEL:- (Doc.ID: 733205.1)

      There is no utility (script as DBUA) to perform a cross platform migration of an oracle Database.
Changing platforms  requires the database  be re-build/or the data moved using one of the following methods:

1.       Export/Import to include the use of datapump facilities. (Doc.ID: 553337.1)
Note: All versions support Exp/Imp but for Datapump or higher is required.
2.       Transportable Tablespaces  From 10g or later.
3.       RMAN Convert Database  Functions 10g or later.(Doc.ID:371556.1)
4.       Streams Replication.
5.       Create Table As Select (CTAS).
6.       Datagaurd Heterogeneous primary and physical standbys.
7.       Oracle Golden Gate.

Each available choice will have strengths and limitations to include data types, time required & potential costs. The choices available will depend on both the operating system and oracle versions on both the source & destinations.


1.       There are platform limitations when using Datagaurd Heterogeneous primary and physical standbys (Doc.ID: 413484.1)

2.       RMAN Convert Database only works if both source and destinations belong to the same ENDIAN format (v$transportable_platform).

Select platform_id,platform_name from v$database;

3.       If RMAN’s convert functions for transportable tablespaces will convert from one ENDIAN format to another.

Select * from database_compatible_level;

By using Datapump to migrate the database:


Step 1:  Take the full database backup of production by using the datapump.

$ mkdir –p /data1/test/expdp

SQL> create directory expdp as ‘/data1/test/expdp’;

SQL> grant read,write on directory to expdp to SYS;

$ expdp userid=sys/***** DIRECTORY=expdp DUMPFILE=expdp_full_sys.dmp logfile=expdp_full_sys.log FULL=Y

Target Side:

Step 2: Install the Oracle Software on linux server.

Step 3: create the dummy database by using the DBCA utility.

Step 4: create and resize the tablespaces based on the source database.

Step 5: check listener status.

Step 6: create the directory for import.

$ mkdir –p /u01/prod/expdp

SQL>  create directory expdp as ‘/u01/prod/expdp’;

SQL> grant read, write on directory expdp to sys;

$impdp userid=sys/***** DIRECTORY=expdp DUMPFILE=expdp_full_sys.dmp logfile=impdp_full_sys.log FULL=Y

Errors & Solutions:


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